
Ecology and Factor of Human Design Chart

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The natural functions of ecology and people ought to be an ideal fit. Millions of years of this evolutionary process should have perfected the balance between both of these factors. However, human misunderstanding of ecology on the most base levels is glaring.

Human Design Chart

The significant comment on this misunderstanding is naturally, a neo-awareness of global warming, hazardous pollutants in air, water and soil. It all started with the first ecological imbalance: imagining people have supremacy over ecology. The best analogy is that the skin covering individual bodies. It matches perfectly to the skeletal system. So, too should individuals fit into the environmental realm?

A large part of the world’s population prefers blinders to the harm their private actions have on ecology. For many centuries, it had been assumed the huge oceans were self-cleaning. Ocean dumping was at peak levels. That is the basis of this misunderstanding. Humans must manage their inability to control every aspect of ecology for a true environmental balance to exist.

Until, ecology and people faced the disasters of hazardous waste washing up on beaches, bulk inhabitants of dead and dying fish and sea life and the environmental balance tilted dangerously toward enormous bodies of water found to be polluted, unfit for swimming or fish for human consumption. Recently, coral reefs were discovered to be dying in undersea beds because of pollution and the growth in sea water temperatures.

However, the attack did not stop with water contamination. Air pollution affects Ecology and people by destroying pro-creative procedures in a type of slow mutation. Once deforestation happens from acid rain and other pollutants that are hazardous, another most inevitable thing is that the imbalance of ecology on birds, insects and other creatures.

These creatures feed is no longer the natural dietary elements get chart human design which are necessary for normal growth and procreation. Humans view the majority of the rest of the animal life on Earth in a sort of controllable fairy tale attitude.

 Polar bears seeking food closer to human habitats, brown and black bears, likewise benefit from simple feeding from trash cans, all weakening their environmental survival. Soil receives a large proportion of pollutants from human way of life.

A simple issue of deer over-population sends people scurrying for Searching groups to thin herds. Native Americans and other aboriginals knew and understood vaguely respect for ecology. Oddly, with higher levels of education, ecology and people no more co-habitat compatibly. The problem this presents is evident. There are growing signs that people have started to restore what they have destroyed for generations.